The 6 Most Effective Digital Marketing Tactics for Realtors

The 6 Most Effective Digital Marketing Tactics for Realtors

In the past 10 years, the real-estate game has undergone a major transition. The internet has truly changed everything in many industries, including real estate. The days of putting ads in the local newspaper, renting billboards, and passing out flyers with your face on them no longer exist. 

Of course, you can still utilize these tactics, and many do, but using these methods alone is not going to get you measurable, adjustable, data-based results. These old fashion marketing methods will certainly not help you get the most out of your potential!

If you want to taste real success as a realtor and keep up with the competition, you need a focused digital marketing strategy with several clear tactics. In order to help you step your marketing game up, let’s take a look at the 6 most effective digital marketing tactics for realtors:

1. Facebook Local Advertising

With 2.3 billions users, Facebook is the most popular social media platform today, making it the perfect place to set up ads. Facebook provides a platform for you to not only target potential clients, but to give them a window into what kind of person you are.

Clients appreciate a realtor who truly cares about them and someone they can relate to as moving homes can be a very personal thing to some people.

Local advertising is especially important because most of your clients are likely to be people moving from one spot in an area to another. It’s rare that people up and change provinces or regions, but they’ll commonly move from one city to another within a contained area.
Facebook’s geo-targeting tool can help you zero in on a city or postal code so that your message can be personalized. Keep in mind, as with most targeting in digital marketing, it is better to appeal to a specific, focused group, rather than the masses.

2. Local SEO Tactics

SEO is huge in real estate marketing! The first thing many people do when they want to move is Google “Homes for sale in [city]”.

Ensuring that results from your website, blog, and social media pop up relatively high on this list is crucial for getting new clients. In order to do this, you’ll need to update a blog consistently with content containing relative, high-ranking medium tail keywords.These should include phrases like “modern homes in [city]” or “refurbished [city] homes”.

You’ll want to put these in titles, headers, sub-headers, backlinks, online directories, social media pages, meta titles, and meta descriptions as well. Keep in mind that the more links you get to your site, the better your site will rank for certain search terms.

The best tactic here is to create a “hero page” — a long, unique, often educational piece of content that other sites will have a genuine interest in linking to.

3. An Email Campaign

Running an email campaign is still one of the most rewarding marketing tactics out there. This is because email prospects have most likely signed up and opted in to receive emails from you, meaning they are willing to hear your marketing pitch.

You’ll need to create engaging content that doesn’t sound too much like a sales pitch. The sole purpose of this email should be to encourage your prospective buyers to click through to your site so that they end up at the next stage in your sales funnel.

To collect emails, consider posting a downloadable buying guide or a similar PDF on your site. Offer it for free in exchange for email signups. That way you will already have a list of prospects that have expressed interest.

When done correctly, you’ll keep yourself relevant with your past clients while generating new leads!

4. An Easy-to-Use Website

People like simplicity, so make your website easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing.

Include a list of all your new listings, content intended to help them through the process of home-buying, and links to relevant services they might need during the process. These include links to lawyers, home inspectors, movers, landscapers, and more.

Most importantly, though, ensure that your site navigation is easy to use. Having a 24/7 live chat function for customer support is a good idea too — consider looking into automated responses here so that potential buyers won’t be left on the line.

5. Social Media

Real estate agents know this fact best: You are the brand. 

What better way to establish your brand than through highly public social media profiles. Not only will you be using your social media accounts to interact with your real and digital community, but others will turn to social media to find out more information about their potential real estate agent.

No matter what kind of real estate agent you are, your consumers are active on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Having a social media presence will gain you credibility by individuals being able to connect a real person to your business. It will also help you gain traction through content marketing on multiple platforms.

Having active social media accounts boosts your online presence which does wonders for your website’s SEO.

6. Pay-per-click Advertising

These are ads that you only have to pay for when someone clicks on them. Each click you get is only a small fee for you.

You can tailor these ads on Google’s advertising backend to target local individuals in a specific area, which makes them invaluable to local business owners and realtors. This is a great way to ensure that you get new leads that are genuinely interested in your services as they intentionally clicked on and opted in to your advertising.


The real estate game is always evolving, meaning you have to do the same if you want to continue to find success in it. By utilizing as many of the tips in this article as possible, you’re 

guaranteed to see your clientele increase dramatically!

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